Cài đặt và sử dụng phần mềm SMARTPLS 3 Full bản quyền
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ToggleNhững tính năng mới trên phần mềm SmartPLS 3 Full Bản Quyền
– Phân tích bộ tứ khẳng định (Gudergan và cộng sự, 2008)
– Tiêu chí heterotrait-monotrait mới của các mối tương quan (HTMT) để kiểm định giá trị phân biệt (Henseler và cộng sự, 2015)
– Phân đoạn theo định hướng dự báo (Becker và cộng sự, 2013)
– Phân tích biến điều tiết (Henseler và Chin, 2010).
– Các loại phân tích đa nhóm khác nhau (Sarstedt và cộng sự, 2011).
– Kiểm định sự bất biến bằng phương pháp bất biến đo lường của phương pháo tiếp cận kết hợp các mô hình (Henseler và cộng sự, 2016).
Sự khác nhau giữa các phiên bản phần mềm SmartPLS

Phần mềm SmartPLS phiên bản 2.0
Some highlights available in SmartPLS 4
– a fundamentally renewed and optimized GUI
– significantly improved performance
– data import from Excel or SPSS in addition to CSV files
– multiple moderation (e.g., three-way interactions)
– testing endogenity with Gaussian copulas
– Regression models, including many useful diagnostics and reports to fully perform the analyses
– PROCESS type analysis, including bootstrapping of conditional direct and indirect effects
– Necessary condition analysis (NCA) including significance testing
– Accounting for scale type of variables in most algorithms
– Standardized, unstandardized and mean-centered PLS-SEM analysis
– New datafiles can be created from calulation results directly (useful for higher-order models)
– Many new sample models are now included
Version 3.3.9, released 2022-03-28
Fixed: Issues with trial.
Version 3.3.8, released 2022-03-27
Fixed: Minor stability issues.
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.7, released 2022-01-23
Improved: Updated translation files.
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.6, released 2022-01-19
Improved: Improved performance of several algorithms.
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.5, released 2021-12-20
Fixed: Deadlocks occurred on some computers during save operations.
Version 3.3.4, released 2021-12-16
Fixed: Log4J Vulnerability fix. Log4J updated to a patched version (2.16.0)
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.3, released 2021-01-11
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Improved: GUI adjustments, for a better display under Windows 10 and MacOSX Big Sur.
Improved: Indicators that contain non-numeric values are marked with an exclamation mark + tooltip in the datafile editor.
Fixed: Display errors and refresh problems under MacOSX Big Sure.
Fixed: Performance issue with PLSC algorithm.
Fixed: Installation problem in the Persian language area.
Version 3.3.2, released 2020-04-21
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.1, released 2020-04-21
Improved: Upgraded internal libraries.
Version 3.3.0, released 2020-04-11
Improved: Updated embedded Java version
Improved: Mac OS installer includes Java
Version 3.2.9, released 2020-01-08
Feature: Descriptive statistics for latent variable scores, residuals, and prediction errors
Feature: Preferences option to hide leading zeros in the results output
Feature: Implementation of consistent PLS-MGA and permutation
Localization: Translation to Urdu
Localization: Update of the existing language versions
Improved: Added specific indirect effects to the PLS-MGA and permutation results
Improved: PLS-MGA two-tailed p-values
Improved: Added intercepts for unstandardized coefficients IPMA results
Improved: Software speed and performance
Improved: Blindfolding missing data treatment (i.e., it does not support pairwise deletion anymore)
Improved: Added construct level results (e.g., R²) in the modeling window of bootstrapping
Improved: Descriptive statistics for indicator data (e.g., group-specific outcomes)
Improved: Excel export of results
Fixed: PLSpredict LV predictions
Fixed: Changing the sort order in the result tables (e.g., by variable name)
Fixed: Pairwise deletion to treat missing values
Fixed: Highlighting of p-values for PLS-MGA results
Version 3.2.8, released 2018-11-22
Feature: Implementation of predictive model selection criteria for PLS and PLSc
Feature: New unique case identifier (i.e., a fixed number for each observation in the dataset, which is useful, for example, when using the casewise deletion option, multigroup or segmentation analyses)
Improved: Inclusion of all specific indirect effects for the mediator analysis
Improved: Color highlighting of significant p-values in bootstrapping, permutation, and multigroup analysis (MGA)
Improved: Results presentation for bootstrapped fit indices
Improved: Software activation procedure
Localization: Translation to Korean (100%)
Localization: Translation to Malay (100%)
Localization: Translation to Polish (>20%)
Localization: Translation to Rumanian (>50%)
Localization: Correction of incompletions and little issues in the different language translations
Fixed: Residual correlation instead of covariance for PLSc
Fixed: Bootstrapping sometimes stopped when using “complete bootstrapping” with repeated indicators due to problems in the fit calculation for these models
Removed: Lohmöller’s initial weighting scheme (complexity reduction)
Removed: Bootstrap sign change options (i.e., individual sign changes, construct level sign changes; complexity reduction)
Removed: Double bootstrapping (increased bootstrapping performance; complexity reduction)
Removed: d_g1 version of the exact fit measures (complexity reduction)
Hướng dẫn cài đặt & sử dụng SmartPLS 3
Hướng dẫn kích hoạt SmartPLS 3 full bản quyền

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